African Community Centre

African Community Centre were founded in 2003 and have since gone on to develop into an exciting, innovative and impactful service. Their motto is ‘Working together to break down barriers ‘hold daily English classes and Storytelling in conjunction with Adult Learning Wales. Many of their participants are also asylum seekers and refugees, and it’s evident in their contribution to the project that they embrace people from all cultures

The African Community Centre has developed several strands in the Musical Routes project which explore heritage art, music, cooking and performance.

The men’s drumming group have met at the YMCA to explore the musical act of drumming within African culture, during the sessions they discussed the differences in drumming techniques and how certain rhythms and styles can hallmark certain occasions and also purposes, such as ceremony or celebration.


Clara at the Sisters Sanctuary singing group meet weekly to embrace togetherness and a sense of community through voice and melody, during this they often explore music from diverse cultures and origins. Singing collectively, and embracing different singing roles within the group to create beautiful music. As part of the Musical Routes project, Clara and the members of the group have shared personal music that links with their culture of origin and together they created a performance that fuses a sense of heritage encompassing all of their backgrounds.

The cooking group has brought together members from Pakistan, Iran, Uganda and Nigeria. Moona Yunia Derin and Amber met at City Church in Swansea to share cooking from their cultural backgrounds, the cooking and sharing incited conversation and stories about their heritage. Particularly for Derin whose connection to cooking and hosting forms a unique part of her tribes culture. Every food shared has a story, or is indeed rooted in its origin, from roasted plantains, falafel, to bhaijis and jollof rice; every dish serves a very personal connection to heritage that is being shared and celebrated here in Wales.


Performances 23rd May